20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (2024)

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (1)

The best homemade keto friendly desserts and simple no bake treats! I’ve rounded up a list of my favorite low carb recipes that only require a few pantry staples.


A keto diet isn’t easy to follow, especially if you have a sweet tooth like me. However, I have discovered that you can enjoy quite a few sweet treats even when you’re watching your carbs. And, trust me, they DO NOT taste low carb! I’ll seriously never miss sugar again thanks to these simple desserts.

I tried to only include the easiest of recipes that just require a few common ingredients. Most of these delicious keto dessertsinclude pantry staples like almond flour, cream cheese, butter, sugar free chocolate chips, eggs, vanilla and the low carb sweetener of your choice.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (3)

If you’re looking for quick & easy keto dessert recipes, you’ve come to the right place! Here you will find a list of the the best low carb desserts to make at home. Everything from fat bombs and mug cakes to cookies and chocolate brownies.

There’s nothing better than a low carb dessert that you can make in less than 5 minutes in your microwave! This is the perfect last minute low carb dessert for one. If you don’t have a brown sugar substitute, you can try using just about any low carb sweetener.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (4)

You won’t believe how easy this frozen berry ice cream is to make! You just blend these 3 ingredients together in a food processor until you get the consistency of soft serve ice cream. Just make sure your heavy whipping cream is really cold! I place mine in the freezer for about 15 minutes before getting started.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (5)

Everyone loves fudge, especially during the holidays, and just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you have to miss out! This easy dessert is great for entertaining and special occasions. Even your non-keto friends and family will devour this delicious low carb fudge.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (6)

Thanks to almond flour and a few other basic ingredients, you can make chocolate brownies that are low carb, keto friendly and delicious! Feel free to mix in some nuts or sugar free chocolate chips to the batter if you’d like to up your brownie game even more.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (7)

Like whipped cream but thicker and creamier! You can’t go wrong with a 3 ingredient no-bake dessert recipe, now can you? This cheesecake mousse is perfect for last minute treats when you’re craving something sweet.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (8)

These cream cheese fat bombs are the best little craving crushers, and they are completely effortless with no baking required. You simply freeze them into small bite-size portions and then they are ready to nibble on whenever you have a sugar craving.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (9)

Candied nuts are a weakness of mine. I absolutely love the sweet crunch! Because nuts are naturally low carb, that’s all you have to do is mix them with butter and a low carb sweetener like golden monk fruit to get that classic holiday treat, and this recipe doesn’t even require any baking.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (10)

If you’re on a low carb diet, chances are you’ve already got a natural peanut butter and low carb sweetener on hand, so these 3 ingredient cookies are fabulous little last-minute treats to make at home. They are also rather healthy and high in protein!

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (11)

English toffee is probably one of the best desserts on the planet. There’s just something about that crunchy sweet texture! Thanks to low carb sweetener, you can make this addicting treat keto friendly and low carb with just 4 ingredients.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (12)

A quick and easy low carb dessert the you’re sure to love! How can you go wrong with a rich chocolate whipped cream? It’s so fluffy, sweet and dreamy. You can eat this stuff alone or serve it with your breakfast chaffles or in your morning coffee. It’s also a great compliment to just about any dessert.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (13)

This classic cookie is a must have recipe! Everyone loves chocolate chip cookies, but especially when they don’t affect your waist line. This simple recipe is made with just a few pantry staples including almond flour, sweetener, coconut oil, chocolate chips, milk and vanilla extract.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (14)

The ultimate comfort food in the dessert world! Cheesecake is so darn rich and yummy, just a small slice will get your sugar cravings out of the way. This recipe is not only easy to make thanks to cream cheese, but it’s a fabulous dessert to share at parties, holidays and family gatherings.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (15)

Sugar and cinnamon! The ultimate combination. If you like snickerdoodles, then you are going to love this simple keto friendly recipe. My entire family (mostly the kids) ate the entire batch in less than 2 days.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (16)

Because berries are naturally low in carbs and high in fiber, they make for just about the only fruit you can eat on a low carb diet, and they definitely make for a very delicious cobbler! You can use berries of any kind for this recipe or even a combination. Then you just bake on a sweet almond flour crust! Serve warm with low carb whipped cream or ice cream.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (17)

This no bake recipe is so simple to make thanks to your microwave! Just mix all of these ingredients together in a coffee mug, and you’ve got a 2 minute dessert that can be whipped together anytime you’re craving dessert.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (18)

Just like Wendy’s! This delicious keto dessert is like eating soft serve ice cream and you don’t even need anything special to make it. Just use your hand mixer to whip up this cold and delicious summer treat.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (19)

Fat bombs are one of the most popular keto treats because they are so easy to make with no baking required. Just mix together cream cheese with a low carb sweetener and the berries of your choice to make for the best little frozen cheesecake bites.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (20)

If you like cookies but aren’t a fan of baking or spending a lot of time in the kitchen, then you’ve got to try these no-bake coconut cookies! You can make them with peanut butter or almond butter, and they’ve got the best crunchy and chewy texture.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (21)

Calling all Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup fans! You are going to go crazy for these keto bars. They are an incredibly simple homemade dessert to make with no baking required. Plus they are low carb, low in sugar and high in fat.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (22)

5 minutes to make! Whipped cream not only makes for a delicious treat to eat on its own, but it compliments your morning coffee, breakfast chaffles, mug cakes, ice cream, yogurt and more. Plus, it stays fluffy all week in your fridge.

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (23)

20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (24)

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20 Super Easy Low Carb Dessert Ideas (Made with Few Ingredients) (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.